Publications Ethics for Authors

Eurasian Journal of Gender Studies (EJGS) editorial board is guided by international standards proposed by the COPE’s discussion document on authorship, explores the issues in detail and provides practical advice.

Many journals require authors to confirm when submitting that they and their co-authors meet the authorship requirements and usually provide an ORCID. The COPE recommends that journals and publishers have clear guidelines to ensure transparency about who contributed to the work and in what capacity regarding authorship and co-authorship, as well as potential dispute resolution processes.

EJGS editorial board hopes that all authors will read and understand our ethical policy before submitting articles to our journal. This is in line with our commitment to preventing ethical violations, which we recognize is a growing problem in academic and professional publications. It is important to note that most cases of plagiarism, excessive publication, copyright infringement, and the like occur due to misunderstanding and not due to fraudulent intentions. Our policy is aimed at prevention, not persecution.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with the editorial office of the journal.

Ethical responsibilities of authors

Make sure all submitted research papers are original and should not have been published anywhere in any form or language (in part or in full), except in cases where the new work concerns an extension of the previous work. (Please ensure transparency regarding the reuse of the material to avoid concerns about the reuse of the text (‘self-plagiarism). One study should not be divided into several parts to increase the number of materials sent to different publications or to one publication over time.

When submitting their materials, authors should make sure of the following.

(1) Provide the contact details of the designated corresponding author, who, in the opinion of the publisher and editor, is fully responsible for the authorship of the article and all communications concerning the ethical status and originality of the manuscript. This includes any inquiries or investigations that may arise before or after publication.

(2) Openly disclose the source of all data and materials of third parties, including previously unpublished works by the authors. Anything that could jeopardize the originality of the material should be categorically avoided and/or discussed with the editors in the first place.

(3) Identify any third-party materials they intend to include in their article and obtain permission for reuse on a case-by-case basis from the respective copyright holders. Such permissions must be granted after the acceptance of the manuscript or minor changes are required for acceptance. For additional instructions on obtaining permission to use third-party materials, please read the section "Rights and Permissions".

(4) Cooperate fully with any subsequent investigations if the editor or publisher is not satisfied with the available evidence or explanations provided. Expect transparency, efficiency and respect from the editor during the submission process.

Maintain a good relationship with both the publisher and the editor.

If necessary, submit corrections in a timely and responsible manner.

Cooperate fully with the publication of errors and the withdrawal of articles deemed unethical, misleading or damaging.

Conflict of interest

EJGS editorial board requires all authors to disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest. Openly disclose any conflict of interest - for example, if the publication was to benefit an organization or services in which the author has any interest. In particular, any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, that may be perceived as affecting the author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. They should be disclosed when they are directly related to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. The presence of a conflict of interest does not prevent publication. If the authors do not have a conflict of interest to declare, they should also indicate this when submitting the application. The respective author is responsible for reviewing this policy with all authors and collectively disclosing the relevant commercial and other relationships.


April 15, 2024 (policy update)