Author Guidelines

Eurasian Journal of Gender Studies (EJGS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication dedicated to disseminating scientific research on gender issues. It is published in English quarterly in Almaty with the support of the Kenzhegali Sagadiyev University of International Business (Kazakhstan).

Aims and Scope

These issues encompass a range of topics including encouraging the submission of original research, theoretical frameworks, and review articles that explore gender intersections with cultural, social, economic, and political contexts in the Eurasian region.

Reports on various topics related to various disciplines in gender issues are welcome. The journal aims to break down barriers between disciplines and contribute to the study of the dynamics of gender issues in the Eurasian region. Materials will be reviewed based on content, policy relevance, and readability.

Recommendations to the author before submitting the article

Submission of an article to the Eurasian Journal of Gender Studies (EJGS) implies the following:

  • the article has not been previously published in another journal,
  • the article is not under consideration in another journal,
  • All co-authors agree to publish the current version of the article

Before submitting an article for review, authors are recommended to verify the completeness and correctness of the submitted materials.

You can download a sample title page of the article here (Appendix 1)

Title Page

The title page should contain the following:

(1) a short descriptive title containing the main keywords. The title should not contain abbreviations. The English-language title should be stated in a qualitative scientific style in terms of the English language.

(2) Author's full names
When specifying the article's authors, the following format is used: first name, patronymic initial, last name" (Gaukhar K. Kenzhegulova, Akan S. Nurbatsin). The foreign passport must indicate surnames or as it was indicated in previously published articles. The BSI standard must be used to transliterate the surname and name if the author does not have a foreign passport and/or publications.

(3) the author's institutional affiliations at which the work was carried out
Affiliation of the author(s): The affiliation includes the following data: the full official name of the organization and full postal address (including zip code, city, and country). Authors must indicate all places of work related to the study. If authors from different institutions took part in the preparation of the article, it is necessary to indicate the belonging of each author to a particular institution using superscripts. The official English name of the institution is required for the information block.

(4) the full postal and email address, plus telephone number, of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent
The academic degree, title, position, affiliation, ORCID ID, Researcher ID, and other data are listed in this section. Also, the corresponding author's email and full postal address must be indicated here.

(5) acknowledgements
The source of financial grants and other funding must be acknowledged, including a frank declaration of the authors' industrial links and affiliations. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.

(6) Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest is a condition in which people have a personal interest that can affect the objectivity and impartiality of an editorial decision. Conflicts of interest can be potential or perceived, as well as accurate. Objectivity may be affected by personal, political, financial, scientific or religious factors. The author must notify the editor of an actual or potential conflict of interest by including information about it in the appropriate section of the article. If there is no conflict of interest, the author should disclose it. Example wording: "The author declares no conflict of interest".


Original articles should contain an unstructured abstract of no more than 200-250 words, presenting the study's purpose, main procedures and conclusions. The abstract should not contain abbreviations or references. The abstract of the review article should indicate the research questions and, as a result, it should present the author's summary of the analysis. The text should be concise and original. It is inappropriate to use sentences from the text of the article. At the same time, the article's material cannot be presented in the abstract. It is advisable not to refer to any sources in the abstract; tables and figures should also not be used.


The keywords should supplement the abstract and title of the article.

Rubricator codes

(1) Specify rubricator codes. The IRSTI code can be viewed on the website
(2) Economic Literature Classification Codes (JEL Classification Code). Specify at least three JEL codes. The author may use codes from two or three areas if they are covered in the study. The JEL code can be viewed at

Main Article File

Manuscripts submitted as original articles and review articles should be presented in the following order:

(1) title, abstract and five keywords;
(2) text;
(3) references;
(4) tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);
(5) figure legends/appendices.

Figures and supporting information should be submitted as separate files.

Article text

- The editors strongly recommend using the IMRAD format (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion);
- Review article 5000-7000 words, including the content of figures and tables;
- Research article 3000-5000 words, including the content of figures and tables;
- The text of the article should be typed in the text editor MS Word using Times New Roman font, size 12, single-spaced. Paragraph indentation 1 cm. Document margins - 20 mm.

Article structure:
- Introduction: degree of the researched issue, including the problem statement; the recommended length is at least 500 words;
- Literature review of at least 300 words;
- Methodology: description of specific (private) research methods, recommended length: 350-500 words;
- Results and discussion: direct research results of the author and his/her point of view and interpretation;
- Conclusions: main conclusions. In some instances, the conclusion follows the section stating gratitude to specific individuals who helped the author;
- References.


Figures must be of good quality and suitable for printing. Figure captions should be concise but comprehensive – the figure and its legend should be clear without reference to the text. Do not include figure captions and any notes or sources within the figure – list them separately in the text where the figure should be.

(1) Figures accepted for publication must be submitted as high-resolution files in appropriate formats (JPG, TIF, EPS, etc.).
(2) The figure caption includes its number and title. Centered: "FIGURE 1. Description of selected variables". There is no period after the caption.
(3) Figures are numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text;

Write "Note: Compiled by authors" or "Source: Compiled by the author using the PLC Algorithm" or "Note: Compiled by the authors based on references (Carter, 2020; Minner & Martin, 2021)" under the title of the figure using font Times New Roman, 12 sizes, single spaced (Appendix 2).


Tables should be self-sufficient and supplement, but not duplicate, the information contained in the text. Number the tables sequentially in the text with Arabic numerals. Insert the tables on a separate page with the above legend. Captions should be concise but comprehensive - the table, legend and footnotes should be clear without reference to the text.

(1) Tables must be of good quality and printable. Editable tables are preferred. Tables scanned or in the form of pictures are not allowed;
(2) The title of the table is aligned to the left without a paragraph: "TABLE 1. Description of the selected variables". Do not put a period after the table heading;

- The table should be aligned to the width of the text;
- The bottom row of the table says "Note: Compiled by authors" or "Source: Compiled by the author using the PLC Algorithm" or "Note: Compiled by the authors based on references (Martin, 2007; Salter & Martin, 2001)" using Times New Roman font, size 11, single-spaced (Appendix 3).


Footnotes in the text of the article are not allowed.


Eurasian Journal of Gender Studies (EJGS) uses the style of designing a list of references in Russian and Kazakh according to GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation." After a quotation or paraphrase of the source text, the work number is indicated in square brackets.

For instance, it looks like the following in the text:

For text citations, the author's surname, the text, and then the source number in square brackets can be indicated [2]. If there are two or more sources cited by the author, they are indicated separated by commas [3,4]. If the source is repeated twice, then the page [3, p. 18] is indicated when mentioned again.

All citations mentioned in the text, tables or figures should be listed in the reference list in the order of mention in the text of the work.


(1) DOI must be indicated in the list of sources (if it can be found);
(2) References to journal articles must include the author(s), title, publication year (in brackets), journal volume and number, page numbers, Doi;
(3) The reference list must include at least 20 sources;
(4) After the description of the Kazakh-language source, at the end of the reference, an indication of the language of the work is placed: (In Kaz.);
(5) After the description of the Russian-language source, at the end of the reference, an indication of the language of the work is placed: (In Russ.)


Journal article

1 Last name and initials., 2 Last name and initials., (year). Article title. Journal title, Volume (Number), 00-00. DOI: 10.13655/1.6.1234567.
a) Heilman M. E., Caleo S., Manzi F. Women at work: pathways from gender stereotypes to gender bias and discrimination //Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. – 2024. – No. 11. – P. 165-192. 
b) Muscogiuri, G., Verde, L., Vetrani, C., Barrea, L., Savastano, S., & Colao, A. Obesity: a gender-view //Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. – 2024. – No. 2. – P. 299-306.

In general, the structure of a link to an article in Russian or Kazakh languages looks like this:

Authors (transliteration). [Translation of the title of the article into English in square brackets]. Name of the Russian-language source (transliteration). Output data with designation in English or digital only. Specifying the language of the article.

For instance:

Moiseenko L. V., N'yung F. T. T. [Osobennosti reprezentacii maskulinnosti i femininnosti cherez gendernye stereotipy (na materiale v'etnamskogo yazyka)] Personality representation of masculinity and femininity through gender stereotype (na material vietnamese language)∗ //Izvestia Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. Philological sciences. - 2024. - Vol. 28. - no. 1. - P. 104-112. (In Russ.).


Upadhyaya A. S., Kolås Å., Connolly E. Women’s Empowerment in India: From Rights to Agency. – New York: Taylor & Francis, 2024.  - 195 p.

Conference article

Morrell C., Sterling R. ICT strategies for gender empowerment: Actionable approaches and recommendations //2006 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. – IEEE, 2006. – P. 325-330.

In general, the structure of a reference to a monograph looks like the following:

Authors (transliteration). Titles of the monograph in English [Translation of the monograph title in square brackets]. Imprint: place of publication in English, if it is an organization, and transliteration, if the publishing house has its own name (indication in English that this is a publishing house). Number of pages. Language of publication, if the work is published in Russian or Kazakh.

Links to monographs in a foreign language: with 1-3 authors:

Hubbitdinova N. A. Problema gendernogo tvorchestva v Bashkirskoj literature XXI v.: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy izucheniya [Problema gendernogo tvorchestva v bashkirskoj literature XXI v.: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy izucheniya] //Issues of national literature. – 2024. – No. 1. – P. 59-65. (In Russ).

References to Internet resources

You should indicate the full link to the material from the site used in the article.

Author (if any). The title of the material on the site. Website title (example: Khabar TV channel, Karavan newspaper). Year.

Author Biographies

The data of each author should be indicated according to the following order:

First Name, Initial Middle Name and Last Name– – academic degree, position, affiliation, city, country, Scopus Author ID and ORCID ID.

An example structure looks like the following:

Kuralay Nurgaliyeva – PhD, Vice-Rector, Kenzhegali Sagadiyev University of International Business, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Scopus Author ID: 00000000000, ORCID ID:

Author guidelines are based on CSE's White Paper on Promotion Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications.