Gender Inequality and Its Implications for the Youth Labor Market of Kazakhstan



Gender, Gender Discrimination, Youth, Segregation, Labor Market, Inequality, Kazakhstan


The article presents the problem of gender segregation in the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its consequences for the youth labor market. Gender discrimination is an uneven distribution of men and women in different sectors of the economy, which affects the economic condition of the country. The introduction of segregation takes place during the school years, forming possible obstacles to free choice. The paper points out the causes of inequality, including socio-cultural stereotypes regarding gender roles, which influence the choice of profession. Also, the consequences of this choice for wages and career opportunities of young people. In addition, the economic, social, and psychological consequences of gender segregation are studied. One of the economic consequences is the growth of unemployment among women and the increase in the wage gap. Social consequences include issues of social mobility and access to managerial positions, while psychological consequences include the impact on the self-development and psychological well-being of workers. State and private sector measures to reduce discrimination are highlighted, and recommendations for improving the situation in the country are offered. Foreign studies are presented as examples for comparison and possible application of successful practices in Kazakhstan. As a result, this study points to the importance of studying and addressing gender inequality in the youth labor market and suggests ways to achieve a more equitable and effective distribution of labor resources in Kazakhstan.

Author Biographies

Zhania Zhidelbai, University of International Business named after K.Sagadiyev, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Student, Email:

Zhanar Yeszhanova, University of International Business named after K. Sagadiyev, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Email:




How to Cite

Zhidelbai, Z., & Yeszhanova, Z. (2024). Gender Inequality and Its Implications for the Youth Labor Market of Kazakhstan . Eurasian Journal of Gender Studies, 1(2), 5–16. Retrieved from