Gender Wage Inequality and Occupational Segregation in Kazakhstan



Gender, Gender Wage, Economy, Segregation, Gender Inequality, Structural Barrier, Employment, Kazakhstan


Gender equality in the workforce remains a pressing issue globally, with significant wage gaps and unequal employment opportunities continuing to affect women. This study examines the impact of different occupational categories on women's wages and employment conditions in Kazakhstan. This study used multivariate analysis and regression modelling to study the influence of various professional categories. The study used data on the employment and wages of women in Kazakhstan collected from various annual sources. The results indicate that occupational categories significantly influence wage levels and employment conditions, revealing disparities across professional groups. Multivariate analysis shows that managerial and technical roles have the highest impact, with positive coefficients indicating higher wages and better job stability compared to other roles. In contrast, service workers and administrative employees show weaker impacts, with coefficients around -55,309 and 121,118, respectively, failing to achieve statistical significance (p-values > 0.05). The findings emphasize the critical role of managerial and technical occupations in improving women’s wages and economic outcomes. Structural barriers limit women’s access to high-paying roles, leading to significant wage disparities in service and lower-skilled sectors. Further studies should explore additional variables such as education, regional disparities, and socio-economic factors to understand wage determinants for women in Kazakhstan better.

Author Biographies

Akan Nurbatsin, University of International Business named after K.Sagadiyev, Almaty, Kazakhstan

PhD, Director of the Department of Research Activities, Email:

Makpal Kurmasheva, University of International Business named after Kenzhegali Sagadiev, Almaty, Kazakhstan

PhD candidate, Email:





How to Cite

Nurbatsin, A., & Kurmasheva, M. (2024). Gender Wage Inequality and Occupational Segregation in Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Gender Studies, 1(2), 40–53. Retrieved from